A couple of steps to the right of Goods on Østerbrogade 50 lies the children's shoe and clothing store Søstjernen. Founded in 1999 by Katrine Leisner, the store is built on the concept of creating a space for shoes and clothing with a clean and contemporary look for kids. Since the first few steps were taken with the Østerbro shop, Katrine has not only opened a second shop in Berlin but also founded an in-house clothing brand.

Katrine believes in the simple independent shop where knowledgable staff know help advise and guide quality concerned customers into purchasing high quality clothing which is neatly designed and will stand the test of time. In this respect - and in her focus on her shop being a local flashpoint - Katrine's beliefs in what a good retail experience should be and what the feel of its shop should convey, lies close to our own philosophy and in tune with the beat of the Goods experience.

If you're the market for high quality children's clothes - go check out her shop immediately!